I really do adore the New Adult genre. Despite all of the bad publicity around it - there really are a few fantastic books that don’t follow the typical guideline of the genre, and Faking It is one of them. I remember completely devouring the first book in the series, Losing It - and for whatever reason, i just never got around to reviewing it - but trust me it was good. And I think Faking It may have been better.
My only problem with this book was the lack of drama. What can I say? I’m a sucker for the drama filled books that New Adult usually provides me with. There was so much build up - okay, there wasn’t too much of a build up, but I was still expecting more of a fall out. Something. Anything really! There was this one scene with Max’s parents towards the end, but it was over before I could really feel any sort of emotional distress. However. What this book lacked in drama, it definitely made up for in humor and
I love when a companion novel is able to easily differentiate from the original book, and Faking It did an incredible job of doing so. Not only was it set in a different city, the whole dynamics of the characters and their lives was different. And while Losing It, was mainly focused on drama surrounding Bliss losing her virginity - this one was much more character based. The topic of sex was no where near as large of an overall theme as compared to the last book.
Cade and Max are two of my favorites as of now! I cannot even express it enough. Cade was basically the epitome of a good guy while Max was the exact opposite, and they couldn't have worked any better together. I love when two broken characters help each other through whatever tough times they may be going through, while still maintaining their same personalities - and that’s exactly what happened in this book. And then the romance in this book? AH. So different from the one in Losing It and so good!
Faking It was a fantastic follow up to Losing It, and I cannot wait to read what Cora Carmack has in store for us next time around with Kelsey’s story! If you're looking for a new adult book that doesn’t just focus on the characters mutual physical attraction for each other than this is the book for you. As long as you don’t get your hopes up for some dramatic fallout between characters - than I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy this one!